Signature Services

Get your Cannabis Business's internal shit together!

I'm not going to do that ad naseum nonsense of reminding you how stressful running a Cannabis Business is. I like getting straight to the point:

You're lacking in resources--be that budget, time, staff or original ideas. It could be a combination of the three. You got potential profitable ventures brewing but things aren't lining up to act on them.

Maybe you already got projects in action, but you're not getting the results you want.

You could also have trouble getting buy-in for your visionary ideas due to poor team communication and misunderstandings.

If you picking up what I'm putting down, you're in the right place. Read on.

For 3 to 6 months, I'm your reliable in-house resource for implementing stand-out strategies

High-level engagement for 4 Hours to create unforgettable Brand Presence, Messaging + Marketing Results

In 90 minutes, we'll set a clear goal + immediate action plan 

The 333 Follow-Up

We'll enjoy a 3-hour intimate deep dive into how to bring your Profitable Vision to life based on your current resources (team, budget, tools, etc.). You can take as many notes as you want: I'll make sure you can start taking action in less than 48 hours.

Day 1: 

Assessment + Team Building

Day 2: 

Planning + Team Empowerment

Day 3: 

Quality Control + Closing

The 333 Follow-Up

We'll enjoy a 3-hour intimate deep dive into how to bring your Profitable Vision to life based on your current resources (team, budget, tools, etc.). You can take as many notes as you want: I'll make sure you can start taking action in less than 48 hours.

3 months

Calls every 3 Weeks

You'll receive everything within 48 hours of our meeting's conclusion (unless it's a Friday or around a Holiday)

30-min Check-in Call

Starting at $3330